Products‪» Swimming‪» Swim Accessories‪» Snorkels‪»

Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel

Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel

Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel

38,90 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %


Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel Pink
Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel Yellow

+4,00 €

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Product description

Finis Original Swimmer's Snorkel is specifically made for swimmers.

The snorkel helps swimmer to focus on strokes instead of breathing from side to side. With this snorkel swimmer can fully concentrate on swim technique, body position, hands, strokes and the tempo itself.

The one-way purge valve allows water to flow out of the snorkel without entering the mouthpiece. Works perfectly with butterfly, breaststroke and freestyle.

Available in two sizes: Adult and Junior.

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 220 x 500 x 50 mm.

0,38 kg(Includes the weight of the packaging)

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FINIS Dave Scott's Swim Tips | "Why do I have a Swimmer's Snorkel in my gear bag?"
FINIS Simplify It! Snorkels With A Purge Valve vs. Not

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