Travelife certified Excellence in sustainability

Matkustus by Tanja L., 10.7.2023
Voimme ylpeänä kertoa, että kova työ kestävä kehitys - matkailutyössä on palkittu!
Saimme matkailualan Travelife sertifikaatin.  

Muutos alkaa pienistä asioista mutta työtä on tehtävä koko ajan, jotta asiat muuttuvat.
Ihan jokaisella on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa paremman ja puhtaamman tulevaisuuden puolesta.

Matkailuala on kovassa muutoksessa. Suomen Matkailualan liitto (SMAL) tiivistää, mitä on kestävä matkailu: "Kestävä matkailu on taloudellisesti kannattavaa tuhoamatta ympäristöä ja paikalliskulttuureita. Siitä puhutaan eri lähteissä monin eri tavoin: ekoturismi, vastuullinen, ympäristötietoinen, reilu matkailu. Pohjimmiltaan kaikki termit viittaavat samaan asiaan painottaen hieman eri aiheita. Yhteistä kaikille on, että ne liitetään yleensä matkailun ympäristövaikutuksiin. Kestävästä matkailusta voidaan kuitenkin puhua vasta, kun ekologisuuden lisäksi huomioidaan matkailun taloudelliset ja sosiaaliskulttuuriset vaikutukset.  On parempi tähdätä siihen, että kaikki matkailun muodot kehitetään kestävän matkailun periaatteiden mukaisiksi."

Travelife Certified sustainability award for EW Dive
Amsterdam, July 4th, 2023. The Travelife Certified award was received today by EW Dive (Finland). The award is a recognition for the long-term efforts and frontrunner position of EW Dive regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in Finland. 
EW Dive complies with more than 200 criteria, related to an operators’ office management, product range, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard is covering the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights and labour relations; and is formally Recognised as in full compliance with the UN supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. 
EW Dive participates in the EU-funded SUSTOUR project that runs from 2020 – 2023 and aims to promote sustainability among the European tour operator sector through a business led approach. The project supports over 600 small and medium-sized enterprises from 35 European countries in improving their sustainability performance through training, coaching and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.
Mr. Naut Kusters, manager of Travelife for Tour Operators, “I am delighted to see that sustainability in the tour operator sector is obtaining momentum. The Certified award of EW Dive will inspire other companies in Europe to follow the same path’.

 Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 35 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members including, SMAL, APAVT, UHPA, ANVR, ABTA, PATA and more.

Editor notes
Travelife for Tour operators en Travel agents
Naut Kusters, phone +31 648 805 475

About Travelife (

Travelife is a certification scheme, dedicated to achieving sustainable practices within the tourism industry.  It provides companies with realistic sustainability goals, tools and solutions to implement positive change within their businesses and supply chains. The scheme as two sections. Travelife for Hotels is managed by ABTA – The UK Travel Association. Travelife for Tour operators is managed by ECEAT- a not-for-profit organisation based in The Netherlands. 

Travelife for Tour operators provides online training and practical tools for sustainability management and certification. The training and online tools are suitable for tour operators of any size and cover all management aspects of the travel company business including office operations, the supply chain, destinations and consumers. Upon submitting a report in compliance with the Travelife standard (based on an independent onsite audit), the  company can obtain the “Travelife Certified” status. The Travelife standard is based upon the full Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including labour conditions, human rights, environment, biodiversity and fair business practices. The management requirements are compatible with EMAS and ISO 14001. The scheme is supported by more than 35 national travel associations to further its implementation among members.

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