Finis Mermaid Dream pyrstöräpylä (monofin)

Finis Mermaid Dream pyrstöräpylä (monofin)

Finis Mermaid Dream pyrstöräpylä (monofin)
Finis Mermaid Dream pyrstöräpylä (monofin)
Finis Mermaid Dream pyrstöräpylä (monofin)

42,90 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %


Pick-up warehouse0 pcs
Available in the webstore0 pcs

The maximum amount of this product you can order is the amount we have in stock.
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Product description
Bring your mermaid dreams to life by gliding through the water like a real mermaid! The FINIS Mermaid Dream Fin is designed to allow children to safely escape into an underwater adventure. Inspired by mermaid legends and childrens' imaginations, the Mermaid Dream Fin shines brilliantly under beams of sunlight.
INCREASED COMFORT AND PERFORMANCE: Separate foot pockets increase comfort and propel you forward
SCUBA-GRADE BLADE: Made of a durable, flexible material that provides a more realistic mermaid experience
DUAL-STRAP FUNCTION: Advanced position threads the strap through the hook for added support, while the beginner position offers quick-release
WEAR AS YOU GROW: Adjustable strap and foam foot inserts accommodate a range of sizes
SAFEST WAY TO MERMAID: Quick-release strap function and rubberized fin edges support safe swimming
Rinse in cool, non-chlorinated water after each use.
Leave to air dry on a towel.
Please avoid leaving in direct sunlight for extended periods, as it may damage the material.

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 460 x 530 x 90 mm.

0,84 kg(Includes the weight of the packaging)

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