
Cressi is a Family Owned Company that creates premium water sports products for people that love the water and the sea.
Our goal is to create the highest quality products, and our family's name is molded into every product that we make.
Our priority is that everyone that uses a Cressi product, will enjoy his or her water sports experience.

Todos los productos de esta marca

Traje de neopreno
Productos‪»Submarinismo‪»Diving Suits and accesorios‪»
Traje de neopreno
Snorkel mascarillas y Snorkels
Snorkel mascarillas y Snorkels
Neoprene wet gloves, wet shoes, capuchas sekä pegamento para neopreno
Productos‪»Submarinismo‪»Diving Suits and accesorios‪»
Neoprene wet gloves, wet shoes, capuchas sekä pegamento para neopreno
Neoprene gloves, hoods, boots and repair glues.
Snorkel aletas
Snorkel aletas
Talón abierto
Talón abierto
Swimming shoes y calcetines for open water as well as for a swimming pool
Swimming shoes y calcetines for open water as well as for a swimming pool
Sukat ja kengät uimareille
Diving Masks
Diving Masks
Masks for everyone
Goggles, Masks & Snorkels
Productos‪»Natación‪»Kids and youth‪»
Goggles, Masks & Snorkels
Gloves, Socks & Hoods
Productos‪»Open water swimming‪»
Gloves, Socks & Hoods
Aletas and fins accesorios
Productos‪»Freediving and Spearfishing‪»
Aletas and fins accesorios
Vapaasukeltamiseen räpylätarvikkeet
Optical lenses for scuba diving mascarillas
Productos‪»Submarinismo‪»Dive mascarillas‪»
Optical lenses for scuba diving mascarillas
Scubadivers accesorios
Scubadivers accesorios
Accessories for scuba diving
Camisetas de natación, calcetines, gorras de natación, toallas, earbands
Productos‪»Natación‪»Kids and youth‪»
Camisetas de natación, calcetines, gorras de natación, toallas, earbands
Productos‪»Freediving and Spearfishing‪»
Vapaasukeltamisen lisätarvikkeet; painovyöt, kellot, lanyardit, chalecos con peso, poijut jne.
Eri sukellusregulaattorivalmistajien mantenimiento del regulador
Productos‪»Service ja piezas de recambio‪»Válvulas de respiración piezas de recambio and servicios de mantenimiento‪»
Eri sukellusregulaattorivalmistajien mantenimiento del regulador
Löydä omalle regullesi oikea huolto.
Products from good and high-quality brands for work and leisure.
Products from good and high-quality brands for work and leisure.
Protective caps for regs, air cylinders and fasteners for accessories and hoses
Productos‪»Service ja piezas de recambio‪»
Protective caps for regs, air cylinders and fasteners for accessories and hoses
Sukelluskellot ja ordenador de pulsera
Productos‪»Freediving and Spearfishing‪»Accesorios‪»
Sukelluskellot ja ordenador de pulsera
Válvulas de respiraciónmanómetro
Productos‪»Submarinismo‪»Dive Computers‪»
Válvulas de respiraciónmanómetro
Scubadivers marker bouy ycarretes
Scubadivers marker bouy ycarretes
Pinta merkinanto poijut ja niiden turvalliseen käyttöön spoolit
Reguladores y octos
Reguladores y octos
Dive Bags & Dry Bags
Dive Bags & Dry Bags
Snorkels for snorkel o scubadiving
Snorkels for snorkel o scubadiving
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