In the EFR Primary care course, the main focus is on doing. We also practice scenarios in groups. We go through the comprehensive course material, which takes about 6-8 hours depending on the group size. Our courses have been very popular.
The course includes:
-Assessment of the situation
-Protection (use of shields/protectors if necessary)
-Determining the patient's condition
- Helping activities in the event of an accident or illness
-PPE CPR and CPR for an adult
-Helping a conscious or unconscious adult who is about to suffocate (foreign object in airway)
- Helping in drowning situations
- First aid for the unconscious
- Cerebrovascular disorders
-Treatment of severe (large) bleeding
-Shock treatment
-First aid for a spinal cord injury
-AED instruction (defibrillator use training)
Those who participate in the course will receive: First aid course certification and, if desired, a card (€35)