I´m EW Dive ambassador Pirjo Tenhu, a triathlonist from Heinola.
EW Dive has been my triathlon companion since the year 2016. That is the year when I first took part in a full length triathlon competition at Barcelona. Already back then the expertise in the areas of swimming and diving that EW Dive´s Tanja and Ville have, helped me on my competition journey and my success in the competition itself.
Triathlon has been my hobby for over ten years. All the experiences I´ve had with the sport have been memorable. Travelling to different countries and taking part in different competitions have made my everyday life richer. I´ve succeeded in gathering medals and trophies of many shapes and colors from all the different competitions. But the absolute best thing has been meeting all the different and awesome people, and the deep friendships made. My competition goals are made with totally different reasons in mind than just getting that golden medal. First of all, I really enjoy active and healthy lifestyle and I do different sports every day. Second of all, I aim to live in the moment whether I´m doing a harsh interval training at a field or long exercise bike training with a Wattbike inside, or if I´m doing a swim training out in a lake or at a swimming pool. Enjoying the moment adds quality to my life and helps me recover from daily challenges.
Someone might find it hard to master all of the three parts of triathlon and/or making time for all the practicing. I, on the other hand, find the diversity of the practices really nice in making my week more diverse. Over the years I´ve learned that in exercising I must concentrate on the quality of the exercise rather than the amount of it. Learning to balance the amount and the quality, I recover from the training very well and I keep healthy.
Normally I swim two to three times a week: Once a week with the Triathlon Club Heinola, which is a guided training. When the waters aren´t frozen, I try to have time to do recover practicing at my own home beach, often. At winter I also do winter swimming at ice holes hoping to recover my muscles and my mind.
The emphasis between running and bike exercises change during the year. At weekends there´s usually a longer running and/or bike exercise. Once a week there´s an interval run training either on a sports field or at the Vierumäki sport institute with my sports club and at winter I do a harder and more goal-directed training with an excersise bike once a week. Also at winter I do two to three hour cross-country skiing exercises enjoying the frosty days and sunny and easygoing weekends.
Now I´m eagerly waiting to try the Bluseventy lift shorts at my next swim practice, and of course waiting for the summer and the open-water season.
I´m happy that my collaboration with EW Dive is continuing as I practise for my next full length competition next summer. Because of the situation with the ongoing pandemic, I´m going to decide on my next competition event closer to summer. Maybe it´ll be Tahko or Tallinn, Estonia.
With happy triathlon greetings,
Pirjo Tenhu .
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